“#55andStillNigeria” is a social media
based campaign and it will run on our Facebook page.
Join the fun train and show your patriotism
through an entry and stand a chance to win 10,000 naira for 6 people.courtesy
of Intercontinental Distillers Limited
Step 1. Take a picture or make a creative video
of you either dressed or made up in green-white-green.
Step 2. Mention 5 notable people who were
key to Nigerian's Independence and submit your entry to idlimitednaija@gmail.com
Step 3.
Like our Facebook page, Intercontinental Distillers Limited and follow
us on Twitter @IDLNIG
Step 4. Tag your friends and get them to
like your entries after it’sposted on our Facebook page.
Step 5. The entrieswith the most ‘likes’wins
Deadline: 4th of October, 2015
For more information, visit: https://www.facebook.com/deroknigeria
Terms and Condition Apply.