
London mayor leads business delegation to Nigeria

The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Yarrow, is to lead a business delegation to Abuja on Tuesday and Lagos on Wednesday and Thursday as part of strategies to make sure London and the United Kingdom remain the regional partner of choice in financial and professional services.
Acting as ambassador for the UK’s financial and professional services, the Lord Mayor will meet with senior members of the government, Central Bank of Nigeria officials, investment authorities, regulators and business leaders.
A statement on Monday by the spokesman, UK High Commission, Joe Abuku, said Yarrow would also host a round-table with Nigerian regulators on closer collaboration between the UK and Nigeria on capital markets.
Moreover, the statement added that he would witness the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment and the Chartered Institute of Bankers at an ‘Integrity at Work’ seminar.
He is further expected to visit the Lagos State light rail project.
Ahead of his trip, Yarrow said, “There is a truly a burgeoning bilateral trade relationship between the UK and Nigeria. The more that we work closer with Nigeria, the richer this relationship will become.
“Investment by British companies in crucial Nigerian assets such as infrastructure, legal services, schools, renewables and project management will not only provide UK firms with challenging and interesting work but will also help foster next generation of Nigerian entrepreneurs.
“I am hoping that my visit will help cement the strong commercial and economic ties between our two countries.”

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