Since 1955, Blue Band has been helping mom’s grow great kids. Blue Band
ispacked full of vital vitamins and essential fatty acids, perfect for your
family. It is every mother’s mightiest ally in the pursuit of a healthy, happy
family and is suitable for all ages!However, Blue Band is more than just a
spread. We are behind two institutions dedicated to Africa’s youth: The
National Growth Challenge schools programme and The National Kids Festival.
Andto date, we have helped over 100,000 children.
Blue Band has launched a site to educate parents across the continent
about the value of a healthy diet. The formula for nutrition is the same but
keeps getting better over time and we would love to share information to help
your family have balanced and nutritious meal times. Families are fundamentally
important to growth and capacity of the continent. Together, we continue to
work towards a bolder and brighter African future, every day.
On the site, you will find easy and tasty
recipes the whole family will enjoy, nutritional tips, lessons on growing
children’s self-esteem, and so much more. Join the Grow Great Kids community
and let us partner with you to cater excellently to the family’s intellectual,
nutritional, emotional and physical needs.
Sign up for updates on Blue Band news, healthy recipes, cooking tips and more on