It all started from a joke, the duo Cool Cat with stage names Sick tha Mgb and Quincy Ranks are rappers from garden city. The idea was to bring good
sound to Africa and a platform for young kids to show their talent.
They produced their first song by a freestyle titled out the bed,they are used to doing more of freestyles cause it helps the improve (they say).
The founder of cool cat Muzik goes by the name Eze Nelson kosisochukwu they are several other artist and crew members ..u can log on to www.coolcatmuzik.org /IG coolcatmuzikgang twitter cool cat Muzik Gang /Facebook . Coolcatmuzik. To find more about the label.
Nelson kosi Eze (sick tha Mgb)was born 28 December 1993 ,quincy onome ojuederie (quincy rank$) was born 13 November 1997 .
To find more about them IG @ sick_tha_mgb FB @ Nelson kosi Eze ..IG @quincy_ranks FB @quincyranksyrn.
The song sauce it up it's a freestyle, it's funny but the idea behind it was Genesis Burger